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Curriculum and Philosophy

Tiffany Stull Photography

Metropolitan Academy of Dance offers a full range of classes for students of all ages and levels, from preschool through professional. Classes are also offered for adults from beginner through advanced.



The Metropolitan Academy of Dance will provide superior dance education in varying styles for students of all ages with a range of dance knowledge, understanding, acquired ability and aptitude by highly trained, quality instructors. We are dedicated to providing positive social experiences that foster friendship development and teamwork toward a common goal, in a nurturing environment where students feel safe and cared for.

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Ballet is the basis of all dance forms. It is perhaps the most demanding, yet rewarding form of dance. Not only is it beneficial to general physical fitness, it also encourages quick thinking and improves the memory, thereby integrating mind and body into a harmonious whole being. Ballet carefully develops strength, balance, style and the physical and mental discipline required for the proper execution of dance movements. Without a good solid foundation in ballet, progress in all other forms of dance is minimal. Therefore, in our school, ballet is emphasized.


Pointe is an extension of ballet training for the very serious dancer, by teacher recommendation only.

An intensive program of technique and style emphasizing total body conditioning and awareness.

A clearly defined, graduated method for all ages and levels emphasizing the development of a sense of rhythm and musicality.


Hip Hop

Street style dance including breaking, locking, and popping primarily performed to hip-hop music that has evolved as part of the hip-hop culture.



A style that blends ballet and jazz, performed to music with lyrics chosen to express emotion to serve as inspiration for movements.

For our preschool students, emphasizing body awareness and flexibility for dancers.

A specialized curriculum at several levels for children, with various combinations of ballet, tap, jazz, and tumbling.
We believe that children should be exposed to many dance forms in order to build a good foundation from which much progress can be made in a wide variety of styles, from lyrical ballet or jazz to Broadway show dance and character pieces. This foundation will prepare them well for adapting to choreography in current and popular styles as well as classic and traditional styles. 

The director and/or teachers in the school will make all decisions on placement of students. Students may, from time to time, be recommended for a change of level, when in the teacher's judgement, the student's training would be enhanced by such a change. Each person's development as a dancer is individually designed. Regularity and frequency of attendance, ability to apply instruction, and level of interest contribute to steady growth.

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